Why is it useful to use a memonizerWATER for the renaturation of tap water? - yourserenityinc.com

Why is it useful to use a memonizerWATER for the renaturation of tap water?

How does memon technology work with water?

Tap water in the U.S. is one of the most strictly controlled sources of water. Nevertheless, sewage treatment plants are only partially able to remove pharmaceutical or toxicologically active substances (such as glyphosate from agricultural leaching) from the water. A relative background load is therefore present to a certain extent in all water. In addition, measurements have shown that water molecules change under the influence of electromagnetic fields and radiation (EMF and EMS). 

This is where the memonizerWATER comes in. It ensures a renaturation of the water. Memon technology can correct disturbances in the water by restoring the natural structure of the water molecules, so that material loads no longer have a negative effect.

What the use of water does to our bodies

But what exactly does water accomplish to us for our bodies? The human body is composed of more than 70 percent water, making it the wettest known organism. Water is the primary contributor to all aspects of the metabolic process. On the one hand, it supplies oxygen, minerals, and trace elements to our cells. On the other side, it helps to eliminate poisons from our bodies. Only in this way can our body achieve its full potential as a self-regulating mechanism and keep its health throughout our entire lives.

You’ll notice this by having more energy as well as an enhanced ability to concentrate and perform at a higher level. This can be seen, for instance, in someone who has a clear complexion. In addition, drinking water helps keep our mucous membranes (such as those in the nose and throat) wet, which makes them less receptive to infection caused by bacteria. In this way, water helps to improve the function of our immune system.

Pollutants found in water

Because of this, getting the recommended amount of water each day is not only about satisfying one’s thirst; it is essential. When considered against this backdrop, it becomes all the more concerning when one examines more closely the components that make up our drinking water. Even water that has been treated or filtered can include trace amounts of contaminants that can be harmful to our bodies over time. This is true whether the water comes from the tap or a bottle purchased from a grocery store.

The healthiest water for our bodies would be fresh spring water that has not been treated in any way and comes straight from the spring itself. However, we seldom ever get the chance to take use of natural water that is free of contamination on a daily basis. Although there is the potential to renature certain things, such as the water that comes out of our taps, which literally means to restore it to its natural state.

Effects that can be observed

Numerous customers, including many professionals in the medical and scientific disciplines, such as Dr. Daniela Kürner-Czech, physician and owner of the healthcare and wellness center Living Senses, have attested to the excellent effects that the memon technology has on water. “As a medical doctor, it is of course equally vital to me that our body, which is unavoidably subjected to harmful environmental effects in today’s world, is less harmed and stressed as a result of the usage of memon. Therefore, we remove the potentially hazardous substances from the drinking water and the pool water. It is currently of a very high grade, and even customers with really sensitive skin are able to tolerate it quite well.

Memon is also often used in the hospitality and catering industries at this time. For instance, Andrea and Rainer Klopper, owners of the Country Lodge in Arnsberg, had this to say about memon water: “In the meanwhile, we are so persuaded of the quality of memon water that we now serve it in our restaurant, where visitors receive it with delight.”

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