A scientific study confirms protective effects of EMF protection Using Memon products on human cells against carcinogenic electromagnetic field (EMF)

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Support your health in the face of electromagnetic radiation by purchasing one of our EMF Memon protection products.

Your health is our top priority at Your Serenity: EMF protection Memon Products, which is why we’ve developed cutting-edge protection products to shield you from EMF radiation. Our advanced technology safeguards you from the harmful effects of wireless devices, wearable technology, and even 5G. Whether you’re on the go or at home, we have options for your cell phone, car, office, and body. Built with proven European bio-energetic technology, our protection is unmatched.

Daily EMF Protection memorizer rays penetrate our brain, immune system, and other organs, particularly in children. Scientific research also warns that their combined interactions with other toxic agents in our daily environment and bodies − dust, toxic chemicals, molds, viruses, and bacteria–further promote cancer, heart, diabetes, Lyme, chronic fatigue, and all diseases.

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5G-ready EMF memon technology protection for your house and family from masts, wifi, bluetooth, sonos, smart meters, etc.

“Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) represent the greatest danger facing humanity today.” EMF Memon Technology

Protect your house and family against masts, wifi, bluetooth, sonos, smart meters, and 5G ready EMF memon technologies.

Member of the International Advisory Committee of World Health Organization (WHO) of EMFs and Health. Chairman of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection under the Academy of Science.

— Prof. Yuri Grigoriev, MD

The information on this website is provided by Savely Yurkovsky MD, the first physician in North America to educate about and introduce in his practice the superior Memon technology, since 2008. Dr. Yurkovsky has also been presenting his highly effective therapeutic and lifestyle approach, toward EMF sensitivity, hazard and protection from, for over 25 years.

The offered free consultations, by Your Serenity, will provide you and your family with the most beneficial health and cost-effective information, concerning Memon protective devices. It is based on a thorough individual analysis of your residence, your location, and your family lifestyle, medical conditions, age and health risk factors. We do not recommend unnecessary devices and have established our reputation on professionalism, trust and integrity.

That is why Prof. Yuri Grigoriev, MD, knowing the enormous body of scientific research linking astronomical EMF pollution to the epidemics of cancer, Alzheimer’s, infertility, brain tumors, insomnia, and many other chronic diseases, referred to this pollution as the “greatest danger”.

One of the numerous studies, published by the renowned EMF researchers from Columbia University,emphasizes the harm of EMF on our cells and, even, the destruction of DNA. 1 They link increased exposure to EMF to cancer and view the current EMF safety standards as “deceptive, not protective.”

Besides these standards ignoring the harmful properties of this radiation, they also ignore total EMF exposure from multiple sources, as reflected in the above photo, which was also stressed by Professor Grigoriev.

Other EMF researchers refer to the increased risk of childhood leukemia linked to EMF and the need to reconsider the limits of exposure.

Yet, due to the great diversity of our genetics, state of health, lifestyle, and exposure, it is impossible to measure both their combined effects on the human organism and determine their safe standards. The only prudent approach toward poisons, as established by the science of poisons, toxicology, is that safe levels of poison do not exist.

In essence, we are dealing with another cigarette or x-ray in our homes, places of work, and children’s facilities. After I reflected on this sinister parallel between the EMF and nuclear radiation in the Memon brochure, based on years of bio-resonance testing and observing the EMF role in all diseases, I learned that Drs. Blank and Goodman drew the same link too in their study, Electromagnetic fields stress living cells. 1

In the end, whatever damages DNA leads to cancer and any serious disease. But besides the harm of EMF alone, the researchers also report that EMF and just as widespread environmental pollutants potentiate each other’s harm inside our bodies. 2 In relation to the most ubiquitous pollutant present in humans, mercury, scientists reported that its interaction with EMF causes increased inflammation and free radical cell damage, leading to cancer, premature aging, and death. 3

Concerning an EMF pollution in modern offices, one of EMF researcher stated: “If people knew how these fields pierce their bodies, they would refuse to come to work in their office.” But the reality is that, nowadays, there is little difference in EMF pollution between our homes and offices. Here is a statement of a patient after my bioresonance testing found that his brain was ‘smoking’ from EMF. “What can I tell you, doctor. I have cable, satellite, fiber optics, entire home audio, that is connected to at least two walls if not all four walls of every room in my home. Every room has a TV, VCR, DVD, satellite receiver, laptop / desktop computer, wired and wireless internet. My phone switch can run a small business. All of these items are all electronic with displays. It’s not possible to avoid some of these devices.”

Even while this statement, in 2010,is outdated, by today’s loads of household electronics and wireless radiation, it underscores the reality of this pollution in our homes,and its harm on us and our children.Unfortunately, it takes decades for our health care agencies to finally act on destructive mass health hazards such as, tobacco smoke, asbestos and lead,while these were destroying millions of lives. Specifically, it took decades to finally warn the public, since the emergence of the first reports linking smoking to cancer, as far back as in 1947.

Medical history confirms that no drug, nutritional supplement, healthy diet or exercise has nearly reduced morbidity and mortality as much as the simple measures which prevented public exposure to poisons as smoking, asbestos, lead, and x-ray treatments for face acne.

I have presented this important point in FCT’s video course: Curable: Autism, ADHD, Lyme Disease with co-infections, & Morgellon’s Disease. It demonstrated that the effective prevention and treatment of chronic diseases were possible only through identifying (based on bio-resonance testing) and addressing therapeutically (through causative homeopathy), as well as minimizing exposure to their main causes. I named these main causes Star-Bullets, with EMF being one of these, based on extensive clinical observations concerning its morbidity on everybody, exalted testimonials concerning benefits of Memon for many people and their families, as well as the supporting scientific research. Thousands of scientific reports linking EMF to dreadful diseases cannot be ignored,despite our cultural habit of neglecting important health issues unless these are stressed by the media. Yet, considering a drastic shift in the means of its delivery, from paper to electronics, for media, the issue of EMF hazards is a traffic deterrent to its websites and TV channels, thus undermining their marketability and profits. That is why when 180 respected EMF researchers, from around the world, have presented their alarming joint statement to the UN and WHO (World Health Organization), concerning the dangers of EMF for humanity, the media didn’t touch it.

Another untouchable is a scientific study linking a parallel rise between cancer and electrification in the US, since the early 20th century. This is when, compared to our current astronomical EMF pollution, the exposure was limited only to power lines, residential wiring and light bulbs.

However, while we can avoid smoking, asbestos, lead, junk food and substance abuse, EMF we can’t. Essentially, we are on our own with this poison, or as a public beach sign in a humorous Russian novel advised the visitors: “The plight of rescuing drowning citizens lies in the hands of the drowning citizens themselves.” But it is in our hands to minimize the exposure, by reducing the unnecessary use of electronics,and using effective electromagnetic protective devices, such as Memon. Otherwise, learning from the tragic past lessons with smoking and asbestos and seeking who to blame for our ruined health and quality of life afterwards, would restore none. That is why my family and I do what we can, reduce the exposure and protect ourselves with Memon technology.


  1. Blank, Martin & Goodman,Reba, Electromagnetic fields stress living cells The Official Journal of the International Society for Pathophysiology. Vol. 16. Issue 2, 71 – 78.
  2. Jukka Juutilainen, et. al. Do Extremely Low Frequency magnetic fields enhance the effects of environmental carcinogens? A meta-analysis of experimental studies. Int. J. Radiat. Biol., Vol. 82, No. 1, January 2006, pp. 1-12.
  3. Pigatto, Paolo et. al., Allergological and Toxicological Aspects in a Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Cohort. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Vol. 2013.

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