Who should protect themselves from EMF? - yourserenityinc.com

Who should protect themselves from EMF?

Protection against EMF is recommended for everyone. Since we are now within wifi or mobile phone range 24 hours a day, we are under the influence of electromagnetic radiation exposure around the clock. With this permanent exposure to high-frequency, pulsed radiation, every organism is overwhelmed in the long run.

Which EMF sources are there in vehicles?

Nowadays, up to 8,000 meters of cable, up to 60 microprocessors and countless transmitters that generate low- and high-frequency electromagnetic fields and radiation are already installed in a mid-range passenger car. In addition, there is multimedia technology such as GPS, voice recognition and much more. Almost every vehicle – no matter what class – has equipment based on wireless communication. The more technical comfort, the higher the load. The radiation exposure is additionally potentiated by electromobility.

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