Three ways in which electrosmog harms the heart - yourserenityinc.com

Three ways in which electrosmog harms the heart

It has come to the attention of an increasing number of independent researchers as well as medical professionals that there is a connection between electrosmog and cardiovascular problems.

It is not always a bad thing if your heart skips a beat once in a while or if you feel dizzy; nonetheless, you should still go visit a doctor just to be on the safe side. Following this, the physician will inquire as to whether or not you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, whether or not you engage in regular physical activity, and whether or not your diet is balanced and healthy. Nevertheless, such contextual elements are frequently the only ones that are considered during the diagnostic process. But aren’t there other cues that come from the outside world that can be harmful to the cardiovascular system?

The link between cardiovascular problems and electrosmog is being drawn attention to by an increasing number of researchers working independently and professionals in the medical field. There are also three adverse effects that have been frequently recorded in scientific investigations, and they are as follows:

1. Alterations in the water’s intrinsic qualities are brought about by its presence in the body.

The human body is more than 70 percent water. In the human body, water primarily performs the following three functions: it acts as a solvent, it facilitates communication between cells, and it acts as a transport medium.

In her research published in 2014, Maie Bachmann demonstrated that water’s physiochemical properties can be altered by exposure to electromagnetic radiation. This indicates that the water’s inherent properties of transport, dissolving, and communication are being negatively impacted. This has the potential to have a detrimental impact on the cardiovascular system.

2. The red blood cells coagulate and clump together, which restricts the flow of blood.

Radiation from electromagnetic sources (EMS) can cause red blood cells to aggregate. As blood pressure rises, the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the capillaries is hampered and, in extreme cases, even rendered impossible. In addition, the body’s ability to detoxify itself is diminished.

There is a wide range of potential symptoms, some of which include heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure, burnout, weariness, difficulty concentrating, loss of performance, and an inability to regenerate.

3. The inability of the heart to regulate its own heart rate is impaired.

One study looked into the effect that radiation from mobile phones had on healthy people’s heart activity, specifically heart rate variability (the ability of the heart to vary its own heart rate).

It was demonstrated that mobile phones could disrupt the normal equilibrium of heart rate variability. Citation needed. During the conversation, the gadget may have an effect on the autonomic nervous system because it is held in close proximity to the head. The autonomic nervous system has a connection to the control of heart activity (pacemaker).

What can you do to protect your heart from the cardiovascular diseases that are brought on by electrosmog?

The presence of a pre-existing health problem in conjunction with radiation exposure is a particularly dangerous combination. Therefore, it is recommended that this form of radiation be included in the diagnostic process of cardiovascular problems at all times.

The legal restrictions for mobile phone radiation are insufficient since they only apply to the thermal effect (which is related to heat), but they do not take into account the athermal effects (which are unrelated to heat).

This is much the same as determining the impact that radioactive material has on people based solely on the results of a temperature reading from a thermometer.

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