
EMF Hazard Health

Scientifically-documented and observed multiple
disease-producing effects of EMFs

Are we disconnected from the real facts? In her book, Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide it, and How to Protect Your Family, on the subject of only cell phone towers and cell phones, Devra Davis, Ph.D., founding director, toxicology and environmental studies board at the United States National Academy of Sciences, a visiting Harvard and Georgetown universities professor, highlights this great disconnection between the abundant scientific research concerning the dangers of cell phones, and the public’s awareness of this. She testified on the issue before a U.S. Senate committee panel. Yet, human harm from the totality of all EMF exposure sources far exceeds just a cell phone one. This total exposure plays a real disconnecting and destructive role – it disconnects our most fundamental health-maintaining mechanisms of our cells and molecules down to DNA – their innate electricity. From here, chronic diseases become unavoidable.

Below, is a list of only some facts concerning the detrimental effects of EMFs:

  • Autoimmune reactions
  • Dysfunction of the immune cells preventing these from optimally fighting infections and cancer
  • Direct stimulation of infectious agents
  • Frequent infections due to immunosuppression: viral, fungal, parasitic, bacterial
  • Cancer and leukemia in children and adults
  • Poor energy, chronic fatigue
  • Headaches, insomnia
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • Asthma, respiratory allergies
  • Low sperm count
  • Fertility problems in both sexes
  • Increased miscarriage and still-birth rates
  • Birth and genetic defects
  • Decreased male/female ratio in the offspring
  • Higher incidence of Down syndrome in newborns
  • Poor sex drive
  • Damage and tumors of acoustic nerve
  • Brain fog, inability to concentrate, poor recall and memory
  • Increased appetite and cravings for sweets and stimulants (coffee, sodas, “energy drinks”)
  • Hypertension
  • Anxiety, panic attacks, depression, irritability
  • Brain tumors in children and adults
  • Hyperactivity, ADD, poor learning
  • Rise in free radicals leading to premature aging, cancer, and all chronic diseases
  • Damage to cellular physiology, energy production, metabolism; weight gain
  • Chromosome and DNA damage
  • Blocking excretion of heavy metals, including carcinogens from the body
  • Destruction of brain cells and imbalance of neurotransmitters which govern memory, learning, analytical function, creativity, joy, pleasure
  • The same cells are damaged in Alzheimer’s and autism patients.

Note: EMFs as encountered in a regular house or apartment, have produced a 1600% permanent increase in the rate of cancer growth in human cells culture

Note: Children’s brain is many fold more sensitive to harmful EMF radiation than of adults.

Your Serenity INC - EMF as a star bullet
Your Serenity INC - EMF as a star bullet
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