
Cellular Effects Following Exposure to WirelessDECT Base Radiation and Presentation of a Device for Their Compensation

Peter C. Dartsch1* and Timo Dochow2
1Dartsch Scientific GmbH, Institut für Zellbiologische Testsysteme, Auf der Voßhardt 25,
D-49419 Wagenfeld, Germany.
2IfFP Privates Institut für Feinstoffliche Forschung und Produktentwicklung GmbH, Oberaustraße 6b,
D-83026 Rosenheim, Germany.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author PCD designed the study,
performed the experiments and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author TD wrote the chapter
describing the operation principle of the compensation device. Both authors read and approved the
final manuscript.

The Impact of DECT Base Radiation on Cell Health and a Potential Solution


The increasing prevalence of wireless communication devices, such as mobile phones, DECT phones, and routers, has led to a significant rise in environmental electromagnetic radiation. While the energy of this radiation is lower than ionizing radiation, research suggests it can affect biological processes, potentially leading to oxidative stress, cell death, and even carcinogenesis.

This study investigates the effects of radiation emitted from an active DECT base on cultured connective tissue cells and explores the potential of a newly created device to mitigate these effects.


An active DECT phone base was used to expose cultured connective tissue cells to radiation. A memonizerCOMBI Standard A device, utilizing specific mineral groups believed to counteract the negative effects of non-ionizing radiation, was tested for its ability to compensate for the DECT base radiation.

Cell vitality was assessed through morphological observation and enzymatic activity measurement.


Exposure to the active DECT base for 24 hours resulted in a significant reduction in cell vitality and altered cell morphology. However, when the memonizerCOMBI device was introduced, the negative effects were reduced by approximately two-thirds.


The findings highlight the potential health impact of DECT base radiation, even at distances typically encountered in daily life. The observed cellular effects are consistent with previous research suggesting that oxidative stress may be a key mechanism through which electromagnetic radiation affects cells.

The study demonstrates the ability of the memonizerCOMBI device to significantly counteract the negative cellular effects of DECT base radiation. The exact mechanisms behind this compensation warrant further investigation.


This study provides evidence that DECT base radiation can significantly impact cell health, and it introduces a promising solution for mitigating these effects. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms involved and to explore the potential benefits of the memonizerCOMBI device for protecting against the broader range of electromagnetic radiation sources we encounter in our daily lives.

Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.

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