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Cellular Effects Following Exposure to WirelessDECT Base Radiation and Presentation of a Device for Their Compensation

Peter C. Dartsch1* and Timo Dochow21Dartsch Scientific GmbH, Institut für Zellbiologische Testsysteme, Auf der Voßhardt 25,D-49419 Wagenfeld, Germany.2IfFP Privates Institut für Feinstoffliche Forschung und Produktentwicklung GmbH, Oberaustraße 6b,D-83026 Rosenheim, Germany.Authors’ contributionsThis work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author PCD designed the study,performed the experiments and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. […]

Cellular Effects Following Exposure to WirelessDECT Base Radiation and Presentation of a Device for Their Compensation Read More »

Double-Blind Study Confirms Memon Technology's Effectiveness

Double-Blind Study Confirms Memon Technology’s Effectiveness

Double-Blind Study Confirms Memon Technology’s Effectiveness Digitalization provides numerous benefits to companies, such as real-time data transmission, which optimizes workflows, promotes sustainability, and maintains competitiveness. Employees also gain from digitalization, enjoying the flexibility to work more efficiently or remotely. However, digitalization carries significant risks. The proliferation of digital devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones, has

Double-Blind Study Confirms Memon Technology’s Effectiveness Read More »

Why is it useful to use a memonizerWATER for the renaturation of tap water? - yourserenityinc.com

Why is it useful to use a memonizerWATER for the renaturation of tap water?

How does memon technology work with water? Tap water in the U.S. is one of the most strictly controlled sources of water. Nevertheless, sewage treatment plants are only partially able to remove pharmaceutical or toxicologically active substances (such as glyphosate from agricultural leaching) from the water. A relative background load is therefore present to a

Why is it useful to use a memonizerWATER for the renaturation of tap water? Read More »

Who should protect themselves from EMF? - yourserenityinc.com

Who should protect themselves from EMF?

Protection against EMF is recommended for everyone. Since we are now within wifi or mobile phone range 24 hours a day, we are under the influence of electromagnetic radiation exposure around the clock. With this permanent exposure to high-frequency, pulsed radiation, every organism is overwhelmed in the long run. Which EMF sources are there in vehicles? Nowadays,

Who should protect themselves from EMF? Read More »

5G-ready EMF protection using memon products for your house and family from masts, wifi, bluetooth, sonos, smart meters, etc. Since 1985, electro-smog solutions.

What is the lifespan of the memonizers?

The memon products are durable. With proper handling, proper installation and adherence to the specified dimensioning (e.g. after relocation), a service life of about 20 years can be assumed. This assumption is based on observations of long-installed products. It refers to the storage capacity of the information. Material wear of mobile products (such as memonizerBODY) can occur

What is the lifespan of the memonizers? Read More »

yourserenityinc.com - Memonizer 5G

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of the mobile communications standard. 5G is mainly used in frequency ranges from 2 GHz to 5 GHz. The frequency range from 3.4 GHz to 3.8 GHz plays an important role here. In this range, frequency bands with a bandwidth of up to 300 MHz can be used, which should

What is 5G? Read More »

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